Privacy Policy
We, the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (PROVIDER; for further detail see Imprint) take the protection of your personal data very seriously and adhere strictly to the rules of the data protection laws. Personal data is collected on this website only to the extent technically necessary. In no case will the data collected be sold or otherwise disclosed to third parties. We also oblige all of our external service providers to comply with the same standards.
Please note that any form of data transmitted over the Internet (for example, when communicating via e-mail) may be vulnerable to interception. For technical reasons, a complete protection of the data from access by unauthorized third parties is generally not possible. We make every effort to protect your data in the best possible way. Learn more, how to protect your personal data here.
The following statement explains how we warrant the protection of your data and what kind of data we collected and for what purposes.
Personal Data
Personal data is every kind of information that can be linked to the personal and material circumstances of a specific or identifiable natural person. This includes information such as your name, home address, postal address, telephone number. Information that is not linked to your identity (such as the number of people using this website) is not included. Under rare circumstances a very unique combination of not personally identifiable information can be linked to your identity. Please be aware of that when providing non personally identifiable information!
Generally, you can use our online service without revealing your identity.
Information Processing on this Website
The PROVIDER does not save Server Log Files, i.e., information sent from your browser. When using the program, anonymized data is generated and collected. This data is used for the technical functionality of the program, the self-test feedback function of the program, the utilizatiion and scientific evaluation of the chat-study, quality control, the dissemination of the program (online/offline), statistical evaluation and scientific research. No personally identifiable data is collected for this purpose.
For the content management of Troubled Desire, we use the Web-CMS TYPO3. The following page types are used: Home Page, simple page with text, image, video and audio content and an online survey (self-test), survey form for user feedback, chat and message function in the login-protected area.
If the user starts a new session, self-test or chat-application it is stored under a randomly generated cryptic ID. This ID is displayed to the user at any time while browsing the login-protected area. Only through this ID the user can gain access to the entered data again. For each cryptic ID, in addition to the answers given to the questions in the online surveys, the messages and chat-logs in the chat-study, the following data is stored: progress of the online survey, date and time of first access to the online survey and date and time of last change and last access to the online survey.
Please be aware that your answers in the online sessions might contain personally identifiable information. Depending on the information you provide (especially for open-ended question), and in the chat- and message windows when participating in the chat-study, your answers may suffice to make you personally identifiable. You can prevent that by omitting any names, dates, facts or any other unambiguously personal details in your written responses. You do not need to provide any personally identifiable information to take part in the self-test, surveys or chat-study. Your omission of any personally identifiable information has no influence on the quality of your user expierience.
Legal basis for the processing of information
The legal basis for the processing of information (for example IP addresses) is Article 6, § 1, P.1 lit. f. GDPR. This applies when the website is used for purely informative reasons and without using the online sessions, self-test, surveys or participating in the chat-study. Article 6, § 1, P.1 lit. b. GDPR applies when the online sessions, self-test, surveys or the chat-study is used, i.e. questions are being answered or own information is shared.
The legal basis for the processing of the survey data (online sessions, self-test, surveys, chat-study) are Article 9, § 2, lit. h. GDPR in conjunction with Article 6, § 1, lit. b. GDPR, § 22 Section 1 No. 1 lit. b BDSG for the technical functionality of the program, for example the content feedback function, and Article 6, § 1, lit. f. GDPR respectively § 27 Section 1 BDSG for the statistical/scientific evaluation of data shared in the online-sessions, surveys and message- and chat-windows when participating in the chat-study.
The legal basis for the determination of country/region of access through the means of GeoIP are Article 6, § 1, lit. f. GDPR and § 27 Section 1 No. 1 BDSG for the statistical/scientific evaluation of the collected data, for example as a way to determine the regional demand for treatment, the efficacy and quality of the services.
The valid interest of the PROVIDER to collect data is listed above as purpose for information processing. Never will the PROVIDER use collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions to your person. For the PROVIDER, there is no way to connect the data to any particular user or natural person.
Only the authorized staff members of the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and visuellverstehen GmbH (Nordergraben 70, 24937 Flensburg, Germany, have access to the data collected via the Web-CMS TYPO3. Only the authorized staff members of visuellverstehen GmbH and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have access to the webserver, including the database.
Anonymized data will be shared with the following STOP-CSAM consortial partners: Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Spain) Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal) Národní ústav duševního zdraví (Czech Republic)
Technically required cookies are used within the TD websites. They serve to make the information banner which appears when accessing the website and the login-protected areas more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are small datasets that are saved on your computer and stored by your browser. All cookies we use "session cookies" and will be deleted automatically at after the end of your visit or after closing the browser. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses.
Statistics / Matomo Analytics
This website uses Matomo Analyitics (, an open-source software. It is used to statistically evaluate the site visits and site usage. Matomo Analytics is integrated and hosted on the same server as Troubled Desire. The following data is being saved: country of website access based on the IP address (the IP address is not being saved), time and duration of the website access, the specific sites visited within the domain of Troubled Desire, the type of device, operation system and browser used, browser plug-ins, browser language, downloads, referrer URL (the website, if any, that linked the user to Troubled Desire). Matomo Analytics allows the analysis of the website usage with something called “cookie-less tracking”, No cookie-type datasets are saved on your personal dvice. The collected information that is being generated through your usage of our service is saved on the provider’s servers in Germany. Your IP address is processed while being on the website and not being saved beyond your session.
The legal basis for the storing of Matomo analytics data is Article 6, § 1, lit. f. GDPR. The provider has a valid interest in an anonymized analysis of website usage as a way to improve and optimize the website for its users. The information generated will not be disclosed to any third parties.
Your right to information, rectification, deletion, blocking and complain
At any time, you have the right to request information regarding the data saved about you, request corrections, deletion or restriction of our usage of your data, complain about our usage of your data and object to our usage of your data. If you object to our usage of your data, we will stop using it. This excludes cases in which compelling legitimate grounds exist that outweigh your personal interests.
You are, at any time, entitled to file a complaint with the responsible regulatory agency if, in your opinion, our treatment of your data is violating the data protection law.
The easiest way for you to delete your data is through the data deletion function available in several areas.
To exercise your rights please contact
Institute for Sexology and Sexual Medicine
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
represented by Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus M. Beier:
The responsible regulatory agency, according to Article 8 §1 BlnDSG, is:
Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Alt-Moabit 59-61
10555 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 13889-0
Fax: +49 30 2155050
A list of regulatory agencies (for the non-public sector) incl. addresses can be found at:
Minors' Privacy
We do not request personally identifiable information from children under the age of 14, do not collect it and do not disclose it to third parties. For teenagers of age 14 or above, the rules in the Privacy Policy apply.
Links to Other Sites
Our Service may contain links to other websites. Note that external sites are not operated by us. If you do not click on links to other websites, no data will be collected by third parties. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party websites.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Technological development or changes of the prevailing legal situation might make adjustments to this Privacy Policy necessary. We reserve the right to update our Privacy Policy at any given time according to the data protection regulations. Thus, we advise you to review this page periodically to be aware of possible changes.
Responsible for data collection and use
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
CC01 - Centrum für Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Institut für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualmedizin
Luisenstraße 57
10117 Berlin
t: +49 30 450 529 302
Contact our officially authorized Data Protection Manager:
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Stabsstelle Datenschutz
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Further Information
We greatly value your trust in us. Therefore, we strive to answer any questions you may have concerning the processing of your personal data. If you have questions that remain unanswered after reading the Privacy Policy or if you need more detail on a particular issue, please do not hesitate to contact us under
Last updated: October 13th, 2023