Illustration zum Thema die Entstehung sexueller Vorlieben.

5. Genesis of sexual attractions

Here are some of the most pressing questions that people with a special sexual orientation or preference have:

Where does this come from?

Sexual orientation is influenced by a combination of biological, genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. While there is no single cause, research suggests that it develops naturally over time and is not a choice.  

Why me?

Sexual orientation varies from person to person, just like other aspects of identity. It is a natural part of human diversity, and there is no "right" or "wrong" reason for having a particular orientation. 

How could this happen?

Being attracted to pre- and/ early pubescent children is a normal variation of human sexuality. It is not something that "happens" as a result of a single event or experience but rather emerges as part of an individual's set up and development.  

Can it be changed? 

 No, sexual orientation is not something that can or should be changed. Attempts to alter one's orientation (such as so-called "conversion therapy") have been widely discredited and can be harmful. Many psychological and medical organizations affirm that being sexually attracted to children is a natural and valid variation of sexual preferences.  

Am I alone in this? 

Not at all. Millions of people around the world have sexual fantasies involving children and some openly identify as Person with Pedophilia (PwP) or Minor attracted Person (MAP).  Scientific estimation vary between 0.5% and 5% of the population, so at least approx. 40.000.000 people. There are many supportive offers, communities, resources, and allies available to distinguish between sexual fantasy and behavior and provide understanding and acceptance. You are not alone, and there is a network of people who share similar experiences and options to support your well-being.

Here’s an overview of the scientific perspectives:

The genesis of sexual attraction is a complex and multifaceted topic that integrates biology, psychology, sociology, and evolutionary science.

Biological Foundations

  • Genetics: Twin studies suggest a genetic component to sexual attraction, although it is not predetermined.
  • Hormones & Neurobiology: Brain structures like the hypothalamus play a key role in sexual desire, while dopamine and oxytocin regulate attraction and bonding. Exposure to sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen) in the womb and throughout life may influence attraction patterns, although  a direct reason-effect-correlation in the interplay of these factors remains unclear. 

Evolutionary Perspective

  • Reproductive Strategy: Evolution favors traits that enhance reproductive success, explaining why certain physical features (e.g., symmetry, secondary sexual characteristics) are attractive for a broader range of individuals.
  • Sexual Selection: Theories like parental investment (Trivers, 1972) suggest that males and females evolved different attraction mechanisms due to differing reproductive costs.
  • Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness: Non-reproductive sexual orientations (e.g., same-sex attraction) might persist due to indirect benefits to kin or social cohesion.

Psychosocial Development

  • Imprinting & Early Experiences: Psychological theories (e.g. Freud) propose that early childhood experiences shape later attractions, although it remains entirely unclear if any particular experience leads to a specific sexual attraction.
  • Social & Cultural Factors: Society and culture influence preferences, norms, and especially expressions of attraction.
  • Plasticity / Changeability: Some aspects of sexual attraction are fluid and can change over time due to socialization and personal experiences.

Sexual Orientation and Variability

  • Sexuality as a spectrum: Research shows sexual attraction is not strictly singular (e.g. heterosexual/homosexual) and not restricted to a certain pubertal body development but exists on a spectrum.
  • Epigenetics: Environmental factors can influence gene expression related to sexual attraction.

Mini-series: Episode 03

Guilt & Retrospection

Ash lives the perfect life – at least on the outside. Successful, married, respected. But when his wife catches him in his obsession, the facade cracks. An unspoken desire that can no longer be denied shakes everything.

At the same time, Fiona faces a very different dilemma. A stolen memory, a moment of desire – and the question: What does true connection mean?

Two stories about self-deception, guilt, and the dark sides of human desire.




Sexual attraction is generally considered to be deeply ingrained and shaped by an interplay of biological predispositions, evolutionary pressures, psychological development, and cultural influences. While certain elements may have strong genetic and neurological bases, others are shaped by personal and social experiences.

The bad news is that we probably won't change our preference.

The good news is that we can change what it means to us and how we express our attractions.

Bottom Line

While core attractions usually remain stable, certain aspects (like preferences for certain personality traits, body types, activities or behaviors) can evolve through exposure, emotional growth, and self-reflection. If you’re struggling with your attraction patterns, a therapist (especially one People with Pedophilia / Minor Attracted Persons affirming) might help explore your feelings in a supportive way.  

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